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Women's Ministry

Women's Ministries at Pilgrim Lutheran - "Growing in God's Grace" - 2 Peter 3:18

Join us, to build a stronger relationship with God in the fellowship of other women of faith.

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Women's Small Groups

We have a core group of women (Our board) who plan and facilitate regular events and gatherings for our community. We have a couple of small groups that meet for bible study and fellowship (Esther and ACTS).

We also have Laura's new small group that meets every other Monday at 6:30pm. They are currently studying Women of the Bible and are looking for new ladies to join them!

There is a place for you at the table!

Fill our our Contact Form to get connected.


Holiday Craft Fair September 13, 2025, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


LWML 41st Biennial Convention “Growing in God’s Grace” coming to Omaha, NE. Thursday, June 26-Sunday, June 29, 2025, at the CHI center.


Spring and Fall Zone gatherings with several Omaha and Sarpy area churches.  Spring gathering  TBD

Soup Kitchen


Host Midweek meals twice a month on Wednesday nights.


Host for all sorts of occasions from celebrations to sorrows.


CHEER- Cards are sent for; get well wishes, sympathies and other milestones. We nurture one another with phone calls, prayer, notes, and sometimes even simple gifts.  (Prayer chain, Shut-in’s, Cradle roll, Baptism)


Chancel- Altar duty


Banners- create and display when needed for the occasion- 


Cradle Roll-Baptism

Missions - LWML

Opportunities abound to serve Missions that we support at Pilgrim


Our mission family the Women of Pilgrim sponsor is through Mission Central.


LWML (Lutheran Women Mission League) through our MITE offerings


Stephen Center- The third Thursday of each month Pilgrim Lutheran provides and serves the evening meal for this homeless shelter.


Quilter group that meets to make and tie quilts monthly to send semiannually to Lutheran World Relief.  (43 quilts sent November 2024)


Through our fall and spring fundraisers we support Home and Away missions


2024-2025- Voted annually


Away- LCMS Seminary Food Pantry, Lutheran Hour Ministries


Home- Lutheran Family Services, Open Door Mission

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