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I'm New!

We're excited you're interested in visiting Pilgrim!

Visiting a church for the first time can be overwhelming. We've included some information to help you familiarize yourself with our church. Feel free to reach out before your visit if you have further questions using the "Contact Us" form, or by calling the church office at 402-291-2848.

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Worship Services

Our 8:00am Sunday service is traditional. Our 10:30am Sunday worship service is "blended-style" that incorporates elements of traditional liturgy with a mix of hymns and modern worship songs led by a worship team.

Kids Blowing Bubbles


Children are welcome at all worship services! There is usually a "Kids' Talk" during the 10:30am service, after which children are invited to attend Sunday School. Pilgrim has a private room for nursing located off the women's restroom. The worship service can be heard through speakers in this room to allow nursing mothers to continue participating in worship.


The Lord's Supper

We invite all those worshipping us to repent their sins, believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, confess Christ's real presence in the sacrament of bread and wine, and are in peace and communion with Christ's Holy Church to celebrate The Lord's Supper with us. White grape juice is offered in the middle section of each tray for those unable to partake of wine.

Parking Lot


The main entrance is located on the northwest side of the building near the flag pole. There are additional parking spaces in the back and side of the building as well.

Clothing Rack

What do I wear?

Pilgrim's environment is casual. On any given Sunday, you will see a variety of attire from shirt and tie or a dress, to jeans and t-shirts.

Running Shoes

Next Steps

What's next? Our pastor would love to grab a cup of coffee with you sometime during the week to get to know you better, learn what he can pray about for you, and help you feel more connected at Pilgrim. Above all, we want you to know that there is a place for you here where you can worship Jesus, grow spiritually in Christ, and learn to share Christ's love with others. We are here to support you in your faith-journey with Jesus!



As you enter the building, you will be greeted by a member of the congregation who will help direct you to the worship area and provide other information such as location of restrooms and where the children meet for "Kids' Church."



Enjoy coffee and donuts in our narthex (lobby) area before and after worship in Sunday. This is a great time to meet and connect with others in a warm, casual environment.

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